Shamim Reza
Shamim Reza Associate Professor, Department of Fine Art



Shamim Reza, a researcher, teacher, and craft artist was born in 1975, and brought from Manikgonj, completed his B.FA and M.FA degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts, and majored in crafting from the University of Dhaka. He started his career as a craft researcher and product designer in one of the renowned brands "Jatra" in 2004. Later he worked with other leading brands "Aarong" " Rang" "Nagordola" and "kay craft" as a designer. As a social activist, he aligned with National and international NGOs like " Action Aid", "Save the Children" and "MRDI" as a researcher and trainer for the rural development of Bangladesh. He is one of the pioneer leading designer in patchwork-based sustainable design in Bangladesh. 

Shamim Reza joined the Department of Fine arts (Craft and Fasihon Design), Jahangirnagar University in 2014 Since 2018 till now he is working as Associate Professor. He continuing his Ph.D. Research under Professor Dr. Lutfar Rahman one of the leading scholars in Asia. His research topic is, "A study of Aesthetic analysis of Darushilpa (woodwork) preserved in the National Museum of Bangladesh."


Craft based product designing, Sustainable designing, Folk Art, Taditional Art and Culture.

All Publications


WWF Hall IIC centre, New Delhi 3, India.  

Group Exhibition: Art, Crafs, Painting's and Photography Exhibition. 2006.

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2 Sommilito Sangskritik Jote, Narail.  

1st International Art Camp and Exhibition in Memory of 95th Birth anniversary of the Grate Artist S.M.Sultan, 2020.

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3 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

SAARC Exhibition and Workshop on Handicrafts 2017

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4 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

Brilliant "The 4th New Craft" International Artists Group Exhibition and Academic Seminar, 2018.

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5 Drik Gallery,Dhaka.  

Shell and Soul' Art Exhibition 2009

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6 Alliance Francaise de Dhaka.  

Two man show 'Notun Ami' Art Exhibition 2008.

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7 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

17th National Art Exhibition 2007

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8 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

16th National Art Exhibition 2005

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9 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

14th National Art Exhibition 2000

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10 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

16th Young Artist Art Exhibition 2008

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11 University of Dhaka  

Young Artist Art Exhibition 2006

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12 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

15th Young Artist Art Exhibition 2004

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13 Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy  

13th Yong Artist Art Exhibition 2000.

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14 Group Exhibition 1999.  

'The Tarantula' A group show on Environmental Degradation 1999.

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15 Alliance Francaise, Dhaka.  

National Wood Carving Contest and Exhibition, 1999

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16 Bangladesh National Museum Gallery  

Art exhibition in Commemoration of 24th Deth Anniversary of The Father of The Nation. 1999

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17 Bangladesh Shilpokala Academy 1997  

Art exhibition in Commemoration of 22th Deth Anniversary of The Father of The Nation. 1997

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18 Department of Crafts University of Dhaka & CBI The Netherland  

Design Development workshop 2022.

March 2021- Still now  Edit Delete
19 Made in Bangladesh Consultant   March 11- 13 , 2022  Edit Delete
20 ECOTA Bangladesh Trainer

Training on design skills and product Development: Diversified Handicrafts Products.

December 18- 23, 2021  Edit Delete


Shamim Reza, বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহ্যবাহী কাঁসা-পিতল শিল্প: সংকট ও সম্ভাবনা, The Jahangirnagar Review part- C, XXVIII, 2017.
Shamim Reza, প্রাচীন ও মধ্যযুগের বাংলা সাহিত্যকর্মে প্রাপ্ত দারুশিল্পের স্বরূপ।, The Jahangirnagar university Journal of fine art studies, 5, pp.61-91, Jun 2019.
Shamim Reza, বাংলাদেশের ঐতিহ্যবাহী দারুশিল্পের স্বরূপ অন্বেষণ।, The Jahangirnagar Review part C, XXXI 2020, pp.237-262, 2020.
Shamim Reza, পাতিনা শিল্প : ঐতিহাসিক শৈল্পীক দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে শএকটি পর্যবেক্ষণ।, The Jahangirnagar Riview Part - C., XXX, pp.321-337, Saver Dhaka, 2018-2919.
Shamim Reza, শিল্প আঙ্গিক হিসাবে এ্যাপলিক আর্ট, প্রেক্ষিত বাংলাদেশ।, দ্যা জাহাঙ্গীরনগর ইউনিভার্সিটি জার্নাল অব ফাইন আর্ট।, দ্বিতীয় সংখ্যা, pp.21-38, Jun 2016..


Shamim Reza, Group Art Exhibition: Art, Crafts, Painting and Photography.,

WWF Hall, IIC centre, New Delhi 3 India. 2006.

Shamim Reza, Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre High Commission of India Dhaka., Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre High Commission of India Dhaka., Delhi, 2020.

Global Art Competition  

Shamim Reza, 1st International Art camp And Exhibition in Memory of 95th Birth Anniversary of the great Artist S M Sultan., Group Art exhibition, Norail, 2020.

International Group Art exhibition Held in Narail, Bangladesh.

Shamim Reza, Brilliant “The 4rth New Crafts “ International Artist Group Exhibition ., Bangladesh Shilpokala Academy, Dhaka., Group Art Exhibition ( International), Dhaka, 2018.

International Exhibition held in Bangladesh Shilpokala Academy, Dhaka.

Shamim Reza, Rag picked colour( টোকানো রঙ), Bengal Gallery of fine Art, Dhaka., Solo Art Exhibition, Dhaka, 2006.

Solo Art Exhibition 2006 .

Bengal Gallery of fine Art, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Organization: MRDI & Green World Communications Ltd, Dhaka.
Position: Master Trainer & Designer
Period: 2011-2013

Job Responsibilities: Training on Design Skill and product Development.

Organization: Jatra’ A journey into Craft
Position: Designer & Craft researcher
Period: 2005 - 2009

Job Responsibilities: Product Design and Development 


Organization: WWF Hall IIC centre, New Delhi 3, India.

Group Exhibition: Art, Crafs, Painting's and Photography Exhibition. 2006.

Organization: Sommilito Sangskritik Jote, Narail.

1st International Art Camp and Exhibition in Memory of 95th Birth anniversary of the Grate Artist S.M.Sultan, 2020.

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

SAARC Exhibition and Workshop on Handicrafts 2017

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

Brilliant "The 4th New Craft" International Artists Group Exhibition and Academic Seminar, 2018.

Organization: Drik Gallery,Dhaka.

Shell and Soul' Art Exhibition 2009

Organization: Alliance Francaise de Dhaka.

Two man show 'Notun Ami' Art Exhibition 2008.

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

17th National Art Exhibition 2007

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

16th National Art Exhibition 2005

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

14th National Art Exhibition 2000

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

16th Young Artist Art Exhibition 2008

Organization: University of Dhaka

Young Artist Art Exhibition 2006

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

15th Young Artist Art Exhibition 2004

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy

13th Yong Artist Art Exhibition 2000.

Organization: Group Exhibition 1999.

'The Tarantula' A group show on Environmental Degradation 1999.

Organization: Alliance Francaise, Dhaka.

National Wood Carving Contest and Exhibition, 1999

Organization: Bangladesh National Museum Gallery

Art exhibition in Commemoration of 24th Deth Anniversary of The Father of The Nation. 1999

Organization: Bangladesh Shilpokala Academy 1997

Art exhibition in Commemoration of 22th Deth Anniversary of The Father of The Nation. 1997

Organization: Department of Crafts University of Dhaka & CBI The Netherland
Period: March 2021- Still now

Design Development workshop 2022.

Organization: Made in Bangladesh
Position: Consultant
Period: March 11- 13 , 2022
Organization: ECOTA Bangladesh
Position: Trainer
Period: December 18- 23, 2021

Training on design skills and product Development: Diversified Handicrafts Products.


Shamim Reza

Associate Professor
Department of Fine Art
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.