Dr. Md. Salah Uddin Rajib
Dr. Md. Salah Uddin Rajib Professor, Department of Accounting and Information Systems



Dr. Rajib is a professor at the Department of Accounting & Information Systems, Jahangirnagar University. He has teaching experience both in the country and abroad. Public sector accounting, public financial management, governance and accountability of spending the public money are the concerns of his study. He is interested in knowing the interplay between society and tools of accounting in a particular context. Therefore, the stories behind the number are the concern of his study. Several of his writings have been published by renowned publishers as articles, chapters of edited books and proceedings. He is holding the position of member of the Board of Studies (BoS) and member of the Research on Economy, Business and Finance Committee (REBFC) of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB). 


Profile on Google Scholar

Profile on ResearchGate


Public sector accounting and accountability; Social theory  


Max Weber's Rationality in Accounting Research,

Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting, 11, 4, pp.165-181, 2022. doi: 10.12775/CJFA.2022.024 (Index: ABDC)

Reformation of Local Government in a Developing Country: Insights from Historical Evidence of Bangladesh,

Journal of Governance & Public Policy, 12(2); 35 - 55, 2022

Universal Pension Scheme: Challenges in Bangladesh,

Bangladesh Economia, July - December, 2022, pages 18 - 27, 2022

A Review on Michel Foucault in Accounting Research,

The Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 10(1), 77 - 92, 2021

Institutionalisation of the Cash Basis International Public Sector Accounting Standard in the Central Government of Bangladesh: An Example of Delay and Resistance,

Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, 9(1), 28 - 50, 2019 (ESCI, Elsevier SCOPUS)

Big Data in Accounting and Auditing: A Review,

Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 59-70, 2017

Application of ICT in Public Sector Accounting of Bangladesh,

Dhaka University Journal of Business Studies, Special International Edition, 1(1), 1-16, 2016

Investigating the failure of State owned enterprises (SOEs) in an emerging economy: A comparative case Study,

Studies in Business and Economics, 11(2), 115-129, 2016. (De Gruyter Publication, Germany). (ESCI, Web of Science)

A literature review on public sector accounting research,

The Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies, 5(1), 39 – 52, 2016

Study on the Critical Factors of Human Error in Civil Aviation: An Early Warning Management Perspective in Bangladesh,

Management Science Letters, 5(1), 21-28,  2015 (Canada)

Do Dynamic Properties of Stock Return Vary Under Hostile Environment? A Study During and After the Ethnic Conflict is Sri Lanka,

Ruhana Journal of Management and Finance, 1(2), 4 – 25, 2014 (Sri Lanka)

Production and Preferences to Compatible Solution: Fuzzy Evaluation of Power Sector in Bangladesh,

Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 421, 904 – 909, 2013 (Switzerland, Trans Tech Publication) (Elsevier Scopus)

Dynamics of Mutual Funds in Relation to Stock Market: A Vector Autoregressive Causality Analysis,

International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 3(1), 191 – 210, 2013 (Elsevier Scopus)

Institutional Mechanism of National Identification Card: Bangladesh Experience,

Public Policy and Administration Research, 2(1), 1 – 12, , 2012 (USA)

An Assessment on Adaptation of ISO 14000 in the Fertilizer Industry of Bangladesh,

Energy Procedia, Volume 11, 2480-2488, 2011 (Elsevier Publication, The Netherlands) 

International Trade and Carbon Emissions (CO2): The Case of Bangladesh,

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 3(5), 18 – 26, 2012 (USA)

Impact of Relationship among the Fundamental Blocks of Production Process to Implement Re-engineering: An Empirical Analysis in SMEs,

International Journal of Advanced Materials Research (AMR), Volume: 228, 696-701, 2011 (Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland) (Elsevier Scopus)

Business Process Re-engineering in the SMEs: Critical Success factors perspective of an Emerging Economy,

International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, 3(7), 6 – 18, 2012. (USA)

Open Innovation and Cost Based Decision Making Mechanisms: A Review,

Studies in Business and Economics (SBE), 7(2), 158 – 171, 2012 (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania)

Critical Success Factors of Re-engineering in the Production Process: SMEs Sector of Bangladesh,

International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials (AMM), Volume: 44, 804-808, 2011 (Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland) (Elsevier Scopus)

Mission Statements of Pharmaceutical Firms of Bangladesh: Missing Link and Probable Impact,

International Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, 2(3), 57 – 63, 2011 (Brazil)


Fuzzy Evaluation for the Product Strategic Aspects of Ready-made Garment Enterprise in Bangladesh,

Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Innovation and Management, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, November 14–16, 2012.

Development of Public Sector Accounting: Reformation and Challenges in Bangladesh,

Bangladesh-Australia Research Symposium. Monash Business School. Australia, September 7-8, 2016.

Open Public Financial Management: Issues and Challenges in Bangladesh,

International Conference on Economics, Business and Management Development in Emerging Markets, Beijing Normal University, China, August 26, 2017


Open Public Financial Management: Issues and Challenges in an Emerging Economy.,

Economic Development of Bangladesh in the Asian Century: Prospects and Perspectives, 2020, Routledge Publication. (ESCI, Web of Science)

Openness of Public Financial Management: Assessing an Emerging Economy,

In. Ayse Kok (Ed.) Proliferation of Open Government Initiatives and Systems, IGI Global, USA, 92 - 109, 2018 

Strengthening the Public Sector Accounting Through ICT: The Experience of a Developing Country,

In: Kaur H., Lechman E., Marszk A. (eds) Catalyzing Development through ICT Adoption. Springer, Cham, 2017 (Elsevier SCOPUS)

Corporate Disclosure Measurement: An Alternative Approach,

In Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Forth Edition, IGI Global Publication, USA. 2017 (Web of Science)

Ethical Issues of Qualitative Research,

In John Wang (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Business Analytics and Optimization, IGI Global Publication, USA, Volume 2, page 310 – 322, 2014 [Elsevier SCOPUS]


Keynote Speech, Transdisciplinary Approach in Accounting and Finance Epistemology towards Sustainability, 7TH SYMPOSIUM OF ACCOUNTING & FINANCE RESEARCH, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, November 10, 2021,

Evidence-based Transdisciplinary Approach Towards Epistemological Underpinning

Project, Translation,


Course Code Course Title Semester/Year
4104 Accounting for Specialized Institutions BBA (4th Year, 1st Semester)
5105 Contemporary Accounting Research MBA (1st Semester)
5201 Strategic Management Accounting MBA (2nd Semester)

Academic Info

Institute: University of Dhaka
Period: 2002-2006

Degree        :BBA

Discipline    : Accounting & Information Systems

Institute: University of Dhaka
Period: 2006-2007

Degree        : MBA

Discipline    : Accounting & Information Systems

Institute: Wuhan University of Technology
Period: 2009-2011

Degree      :MBA

Institute: Wuhan University of Technology
Period: 2011-2014

Degree        : PhD

Discipline   : Management Science & Engineering


Organization: Presidency University
Position: Lecturer
Period: 2008 - 2009

School of Business

Organization: Wuhan University
Position: Adjunct Faculty Member
Period: 2012 - 2014

International Program

Organization: American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB)
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: 2014 - 2015

Department of Accounting


Organization: Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB)
Position: Member of Board of Studies (BoS), Career Counseling and Skills Enrichment Board (CCSEB), Research on Economy, Business and Finance Committee ( REBFC)
Period: January 2021 to -
Organization: National University (Project of the World Bank)
Position: Teachers' Trainer
Period: 2019 (6th Batch, 9th Batch) - till now

Subject: Research Methodology, Public Sector Accounting

Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Member
Period: 2016

Admission Test Committee 

Organization: National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Position: Member of the Project
Period: 2010-2012

Worked as a member of the Project funded by NSFC

Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Member of Editorial Board
Period: 2016 to --

The Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies

Organization: Universities and Different Publishers
Position: Reviewer
Period: 2012 to --

Article Reviewing both for the Universities and renouned publishers. 

Article Review per year:   3+ per year

Organization: Universities
Position: Panel Member
Period: 2017 to ---

MPhil and PhD thesis proposal and thesis Evalution 

Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Member of the Board of Advanced Studies
Period: 2016 to --
Organization: Jahangirnagar University
Position: Researcher
Period: 2017 - 2018

Otained fund for 2017 - 2018

Organization: University Grant Commission (UGC)
Position: Researcher
Period: 2017 - 2018

Obtained fund for 2017 - 2018


Dr. Md. Salah Uddin Rajib

Department of Accounting and Information Systems
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801778277536
Email: rajibais@juniv.edu